InCar Air Purification Stages:
Advance Active Carbon HEPA Filter Technology: Effectively filter various particles in air, completely capture up to 0.1 micron suspended particles.
Nanometer Light‐Accelerant Air Purification: Use advanced Tio2 light accelerant, decompose harmful volatile
organic compounds inside the car such as formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene TVOC, etc., deodorize unpleasant
smells of cigarette smoke, alcohol and food, effectively kill Airborne bacteria and viruses, and protect passengers
from cross infection.
Space Plasma purification technology: Eliminate dust and static electricity in air, purify polluted substance from
car off gas, such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide.
Effective Ozone purification: Kill various respiratory infectious bacteria, decompose organic gas, deodorize
various unpleasant smells, prevent bacteria virus spreading.
Anion Technology: Produce plenty of negative ions; create a natural forest‐like environment.
P2,500 only at our Air & Odor Management Sales office; Conservatory building, 605 Shaw blvd. Mandaluyong.
tell: 717 0884, 390 4040