When you put your house on the market, you often start thinking of everything you can do to make your home as appealing as possible to a potential buyer. You might put on a fresh coat of paint and make sure everything is clean and in working order.
But, how does it smell? Scent is one of the most powerful senses and has the ability to sway a potential buyer one way or another, even if they don’t consciously realize it. Your home should have a warm, inviting scent - something that can make the potential buyer feel at home.
A lot of houses on the market (and off the market, for that matter…), have a “lived in” smell, a collection of lingering pet odors, cooking, smoke, dirty laundry, trash, or simply that musty, old house smell.
As the owner of the home, you may have “olfactory fatigue”, meaning you don’t even notice the smell of your own house. Ask a young friend or your realtor - someone with a good nose - if your house smells of your pet, or anything else. Make sure they are comfortable to be honest, and don’t be offended by the truth.
A fresh smelling room is sometimes all it needs to make the sale!! Some common options: opening the windows, putting a tray of cookies in the oven, or baking bread.
What will be much easier to use, is much safer will be our AirQ100 scenting unit. This desktop scent diffuser can be placed in the kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms. You could hide them in closets or simply place on a desk or a bookshelf.
*Realtors in the States are already using this practical machine to sell their properties or scent model rooms.
AirQ100 scent unit = "The Secret" to selling your condo!
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Air & Odor Management